
The Wonderful World of Windows...

So, for various reasons, I've been living in Windows for the past week. It's a dog to start up and shut down, but once in, it runs okay. It's nothing compared to Ubuntu, but for the previous stated various reasons, I've needed some Windows only programs to work with. WINE can run a few of them in Linux, but not all, so I just booted into my Windows partition. It's been nice to kill some time playing games too. It made me realize that as much as I'd like to kill Windows for good, I really can't. GIMP is great, but it really doesn't compare with Photoshop CS3 for the really advanced stuff, and OpenOffice just doesn't cut it compared to Office 2007. I wish wholeheartedly that I could get these to run in Linux, but, alas, they can't (yet). Until someone works enough with WINE, I'm effectively stuck with Windows. And having a 40 GB hard drive split into two 20 GB partitions just plain hurts. I'm almost out of room on both; for gaming, I have to finish a game and uninstall it before I can install another one. I talked in an earlier post of just virtualizing Windows, but with a 4 year old, mediocre-at-the-time, single core processor, it's not a good option. And it'd still eat a big chunk of the hard drive. The only advantage would be not having to reboot continually. So for now, Microsoft has me by the proverbial e-balls.

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