
Back to the Dark Side

So I'm back to Vista on Ruri. No, I do not hate Mac OS X or think that Vista is better in any way, shape, or form, other than one: Ruri doesn't spontaneously combust under Vista. She ran so hot under Leopard (and yes, I tried different kernels) that she was no longer useful as a laptop. If I took her off the USB chillpad, she shut down within several minutes. Yeah, it was bad. Dual-boot, you say? Well, I ran that route for a couple of days before my iTunes library and photo library became so corrupted that Mac OS X actually refused to start, while Vista was droppin' BSODs like they were going out of style. It was bad. So, alas, I had to give up the ghost and go groveling back to the feet of the Vista gods. Am I happy about it? No, I MUCH preferred Leopard and it's speed and abilities. I mourn the loss of iLife (I'll be using my wife's Powerbook to do what I need to do with it for photo galleries and website work). I miss the stability (though, since going exclusively Vista, I have yet to hit any more BSODs). Ah well, at least my iPod touch runs Mac OS X, right?

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