
Ahoy From the Good Ship Ubuntu!

So you know what's funny? I spent, what, the past month trying to get Vista working the way I wanted, right? Well, I nuked Vista and dropped Ubuntu Linux on Sophia, and literally, within hours, I'm up and running at almost complete capacity. No jury rigging drivers ('cept my wifi card, but that was easy), no BSODs, no freeze ups, and a 20 minute install! Sophia runs WAY faster, quieter, and all around better now. I've only hit 3 roadblocks; one of which I will probably never hit again. That one is macros in spreadsheets; OpenOffice doesn't like Microsoft Office macros, but that was a one shot deal for Jill's divorce (which is THANKFULLY OVER!!!). The other is that I can't find GimpShop after installing it; I know it's there, I can verify the package, but it's not in the menus like it should be. >_<>